Dr. Celso Khosa – Clinical Researcher by Choice

Dr. Celso Khosa

Unlike mainstream medical professional choices, clinical research does not receive the limelight it deserves. This happens to convince the young doctors to choose a speciality instead of investing time and effort in research. However, Dr. Celso Khosa had a different approach towards extending his medical career. Since day one, clinical research was the first and final choice for him.

“I do not like monotony. When I graduated from medical school I had several options in front of me. I received opportunities from departments of different hospitals to join them. Surprisingly, I declined all offers. Whenever I mentioned my ambition to choose medical research to those who approached me they would be surprised about my choice. The majority prefers residency before opting for research. For me, research was always the first priority.”

Dr. Celso Khosa
Dr. Celso Khosa
Dr. Celso Khosa

Scholarship and Exchange Program 

In 2012, Dr. Khosa graduated from Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique. In 2019, he completed PhD in Medical Research and International Health from Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, Germany. Currently, he is serving as director at Centro de Investigação e Treino em Saúde da Polana Caniço (CISPOC).

Dr. Khosa excels in research in the hospital and healthcare industry. He had calculated an attempt towards research as it was a decision by choice. His passion for contributing to research received good luck in medical school. Since then he has been aiming and achieving higher.

In final year of my medical school I won a scholarship. A part of scholarship was associated with research projects so my practical approach for research took off in final year of medical school. Later in the same year, I was selected for an exchange program to work in Brazil. During that exchange program, I worked for 3 months in a pathology laboratory. This opportunity gave me experience and modified my insight for research. Now, I didn’t want to work with patients only on the clinical side but also participate in laboratory findings at cellular level for research purpose.

Dr. Celso Khosa

A Mobile App for Screening of Patients with Cough

Dr. Celso Khosa has undeniably the most brainstorming proposals for the advancement of biotechnology and the improvement of medical health facilities for patients as well as healthcare workers. In addition, it is not wrong to acknowledge the contributions of medical researchers in the health industry. From medical and surgical specialists to pharmaceutical and biotech companies, the world awaits revolutionary measures devised by medical researchers. Furthermore, Dr. Khosa talks about his recent research that involves biotechnology.

My research mainly focuses on medical advancement in infectious diseases such as HIV and tuberculosis. 3 years ago, a Canadian biotech company organized a competition. I introduced biotech in diagnosis of infectious diseases that present with coughing. The concept was to formulate a machine that is programmed with patterns of cough to screen patients with coughing disease without putting healthcare providers at risk. For the recording of coughs we use microphones and smart phones as well. Nearly everyone today has access to smart phones.

We want this project to excel and launch in Playstore. Anyone who has cough anywhere around the world can use the app to record the cough. The app will show the score and analyze the cough presenting presumed diagnosis. In case of tuberculosis, app can redirect the individual to the nearest testing facility. The analysis is still in initial phase therefore there are some shortcomings, however the idea and motive are strong.

Dr. Celso Khosa

COVID-19 and Medical Research Frontliners

Dr. Celso Khosa understands the neglected behaviour of public and medical-associated populations towards research. Mainly, medical enthusiasts want to pursue something more heroic and adventurous. However, the year 2020 and onwards prove the worth of research in medical history. In this era of persistently evolving COVID-19 strains researchers have a critical role to exhibit. When we talk about ‘front liners’ in hospitals we equally value the doctors working in labs testing and retesting everything multiple times to provide an outcome purposeful for mankind.

The era of COVID-19 clearly proves the significance of research. Everyone knows why it is important to research more and better. Before COVID-19, everyone had perception of knowing everything about biology and physiology as if there is nothing more left to learn. With COVID-19, world realized still being in learning phase. This fascinates me about medical research. Every day I discover new information and every day I come up with new ways to combat a puzzle. This behavior of continuous learning is inspiring for me.

Dr. Celso Khosa

The Philosophy of Research and Life

Dr. Khosa has an exclusive brain of a researcher but he has the mind of a philosopher as well. This quality facilitates him taking a deeper and more meaningful look at the amalgam of life and career. On a lighter note, he expresses his views as

Life is like a research. It is a matter of trying and failing until you get it right. It is amazing how many times you fail yet you get up and walk. Life is like a PhD. You enter PhD aiming for a Nobel Prize but as you progress you just want excellent outcomes and satisfaction. I try to keep myself motivated. I like the idea that we don’t know everything. We keep learning. I also like the idea that what is correct today may change tomorrow and we may introduce ourselves to new ideas. Research provides us the freedom to be open to new ideas, new perspectives and innovations. One plus one may not be always be two.

Dr. Celso Khosa

A Tragic Accident Before his PhD Defence

Dr. Khosa had the desire to become a clinical researcher. He was always inclined towards problem-solving and therefore chose clinical research as his career. Many people don’t know he couldn’t secure admission to a medical school in the first attempt. However, he didn’t give up and applied again. Moreover, hard work and improved grades together won him a slot at medical school. Today, he is progressing at an exceptionally inspiring pace towards endless success. Nevertheless, those who are successful today had tragedies and tough times on their way as well.

“Two months before presenting my defence for thesis in PhD I had a road accident. I suffered from a brain injury that temporarily impaired my functional ability. I couldn’t stand let alone walk. During the presentation, I couldn’t stand. The panel told me to do it by sitting which is not part of protocol. Yet, I did. Today, I look back and recognize the inner power holding me together.

Dr. Celso Khosa

After the road accident, Dr. Khosa relied on exercise. With exercise, he could restore his functional ability.

When I take a look at myself after the accident, I realize the power of exercise. Since then, exercise is my coping machinery against stress. I try going to gym or at least run every other day to deal with stress. Exercise helps me a lot in dealing with the negative energy. I suggest switching off your mobile and running to gym. Do squats, do pushups, do whatever you want, just forget about everything. Workout is my biggest strategy to deal with stress.

Dr. Celso Khosa

Explore the Possibilities

Dr. Khosa convinces the upcoming doctors to explore their possibilities. Instead of following what everyone is doing follow your heart. Judge your possibilities and passions before concluding the final destination.

“Don’t be afraid to try new things. Each one of us has a different path and everyone should be courageous enough to pursue what we think is best for us. Now when I look back I think if I had done what all my colleagues are doing today, which is residency, then I would have missed all this. I may have been happy in residency and specialization as well but not as happy as I am here being a clinical researcher.”

Dr. Celso Khosa

In addition, Dr. Celso Khosa highlights a much-needed opinion for the young doctors. It is utterly important for doctors to understand the formula of maintaining a balance between money and passion.

Money is reality of life. No one can neglect the importance of money. Money is undeniably important but, wisest are those who balance money and passion. You need both in life.

Dr. Celso Khosa


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