This webinar will update students about common vascular diseases, develop competency in history taking, and explain how to perform an examination of vascular patients to formulate a provisional diagnosis.
After attending this webinar you will be able to:
- Recognise the symptoms and signs of vascular diseases.
- Perform bedside handheld Doppler in the assessment of vascular disease.
- Differentiate between vascular and non-vascular problems.
This webinar is part of The vascular medicine & surgery for undergraduate medical students series. This nine-part webinar series has the primary outcome of improving vascular surgery education within the undergraduate medical curriculum. The topics addressed in the series directly correlates with the GMC outcomes for graduates.
This series will run from April 2021 until January 2022 and will be broadcast monthly on a Monday from 6:00pm.
All webinars in this series are available on-demand to registered delegates for up to 1 year after the live broadcast date.If you would like to find out more about the series, please visit the Vascular, Lipid & Metabolic Medicine Section homepage.
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