In a bizarre case, sex sent this woman to the ER.
A woman in America, Liz, ended up being hospitalised after what she described as a never-ending orgasm. She had a quickie with her partner in the morning, after which the sensation just didn’t stop. The ordeal for quick pleasure actually led to 4-hour long, never-ending orgasms.
Liz and her partner, Eric, shared their crazy orgasm story on a television show. Liz tried everything from red wine to antihistamines to put an end to it. However, she said that nothing seemed to work, leading to a “physically, emotionally and mentally taxing experience”. After no success with home remedies, Liz went to the ER to get herself checked.
Liz told the doctors everything that happened, hoping that they would be able to come up with a reasonable explanation for the never-ending orgasms.
Eventually after hours of orgasming, the sensation finally stopped. “Until you actually experience it. I had to call in and tell my boss that I wasn’t feeling very well”. She called every medical professional she had seen in her life for an answer on why this was happening to her.
When the doctors “went to the dispensary to try and get the Valium, and when they were still writing out the paperwork”, she stopped orgasming. However, she said, “at first, it was just sheer disbelief.” She did not believe it and was afraid it was going to start again.
Her fear was real, this wasn’t the end of it!
After she went home, she randomly started having orgasms on a regular basis without any stimulation. She explained: “Initially, it was just like after sex, and then it got to the point where I would be doing whatever – watching TV, walking down the street – and I would have an orgasm out of the blue.” What’s more, some days she would have 12 prolonged spontaneous orgasms in one day.
After months of continuous round of tests, doctors put Liz on anti-seizure medication. This helped in managing the strange orgasms. She took the medication for “about four, maybe five months” which helped get the orgasms “completely under control”.
Currently Liz is taking the medication every other day and enjoys a happy sex life.
Woman Hospitalised With Bizarre Never-Ending Orgasm