Mobile health interventions can improve glucose levels in African Americans and Latinx.
The study was published in JAMA Network Open.
Ben S. Gerber, M.D., from the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School in Worcester, and colleagues made an assessment of whether health coaches and clinical pharmacists can use mobile health tools to improve haemoglobin A1c levels. Their analysis was based on 221 African American and Latinx patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. They had an elevated HbA1c, and they received diabetes support for a year. Moreover, their usual diabetes was monitored for one year. However, the intervention order was random.
The researchers also discovered that the HbA1c levels improved in the first twelve months. The mean improvement was -0.79 percentage points in the intervention group in comparison with -0.24 percentage points in the usual care group. Moreover, during the second year, the intervention group was switched. A significant change was seen in the HbA1c after the control group got the same intervention. The mean change was -0.57 percentage points.
Mean Benefit of Mobile Health
Furthermore, during the second year, the first intervention group maintained a mean benefit of 0.17 percentage points.
The authors wrote,
Given their greater risk of diabetes complications compared with non-Latinx White adults, this strategy may be effective in reducing racial and ethnic disparities,