The greatest attractions at CES 2022 were the two human robots, Ameca and Pedia Roid.
Ameca has been created by Engineered Arts and they have their display at the temple of the technology fair. Moreover, they were available to answer all the doubts of the people who approached them.
When developers revealed the video of Ameca’s awakening, the world was in a stir because of the realistic facial expressions the robot had. However, their presentation is remote because of the increase in the new variant COVID19 cases. العاب تربح جوائز حقيقية Ameca is being showcased for in-person attendance in Las Vegas, Nevada for those who will attend.
Social Media Queries and Questions
There are multiple questions on videos regarding Ameca about various things. For example, about the meaning of life and inflation. But since the software has limitations, even the robot cannot answer them. The robot always says,
“I can’t answer that, you have to ask my developers.”
Similarly, the robot answers differently even if it’s the same question asked multiple times. Together with its realistic expressions, the humanoid robot is very close to being perceived as a real person. ويليام هيل
Marcus Hold, an engineer, who oversees the Ameca template said that the robot does not have all the answers because,
“There are human problems that only they can solve.”
Advanced Human Shaped Robot
The British company pointed out that Ameca is the most advanced human-shaped robot in the world. It represents human-robotic technology. مواقع مراهنات رياضية It depicts perfection when it comes to human-robot interaction because it has incredible facial expressions.
Their website explains,
“The artificial intelligence human-like needs a human-like artificial body. Artificial intelligence and machine learning systems can be tested and developed at Ameca, a development based on our own research in humanoid robotics and built on our advanced Mesmer technology ”
Ameca responds fluently while making realistic expressions by matching what she is living. It also shows expressions of surprise and confusion when a people ask a complex question. Furthermore, it raises its arms for accompanying her speech.
The next step is to get the robot to walk. Although it is a long way, the face is being housed in an “Artificial human-like body powered by a powerful Tritium robot operating system.”
Pedia Roid: Pediatric Medical Treatment Robot

Pedia Roid is still in its development stage, however, it is available to rent or buy.
Alongside Ameca, the Pedia Roid humanoid robot also surprised the attendees of CES 2022. But, unlike the first one, it did cause fear because of the design. The design is the same as a child who screams and cries when feeling pain.
Yusuke Ishii who is behind the exposure of the doll said that the terrifying look is voluntary in the case of the robot Pedia Roid. He further said,
“We want to create a realistic scenario, it is the reason why we add certain terrifying noises so that it behaves like a child.”
As per the brochure of the company, the robot can
“very realistically simulate the contorting movements of a child who refuses to receive treatment.”
Disturbing but Exciting Robot
A robot doll, which was the size of a child, screamed and stunned the audience attending CES 2022. However, the line between disturbing and exciting is blurry.
Marcelo Humerez said,
“The eyes are really scary” when he found himself in a room with Pedia Roid: a robbery with the intention of medical training.
With a few other positions of Ameca, he got less fearful reception from the onlookers who were curious to watch him speak. In addition to displaying a human like motion range.
Morgan Roe, UK based engineered Arts said,
“We conceived Ameca to get as close as possible to the human in their movements”
The robot that had a grey face and would move, blink, and speak like a human was beside him
He further added,
“Humans are so complex that making a robot exactly similar to a human is almost impossible”
“But if we do, then it will not scare him, because he will simply assume that he is human.”
Before the level of realism has been reached, the creation has certain aspects to maintain; they reveal that it is not a living creature. It is, however, a space known as ‘the valley of the strange’.
Roe said,
“He doesn’t move exactly like a human, he doesn’t express himself or show his emotions, or he talks to a human. It is the valley of the strange, it is the part that is scary “
Voluntary Appearance
When it comes to the case of Pedia Roid, the scary appearance is voluntary according to Yusuke Ishii, who was behind the exposure of the doll.
He said,
“We want to create a realistic setting, it is the reason why we add certain terrifying noises, so that it behaves like a child”
According to the company brochure, the robot can “Very realistically simulate the contorting movements of a child who refuses to receive treatment”.