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Powerful image of an aftermath of a gunshot wound to chest!

Patient arrived in cardiac arrest. He underwent emergency room thoracotomy after having over 2000 cc coming out of his chest tube, indicating an ongoing massive hemorrhage. He was then taken to the operating room.
The patient survived, but anoxic brain injury occurred resulting in brain death.
The patient was then placed for organ harvest. The liver and kidneys were donated saving 3 lives. 

Thoracotomies are considered last ditch efforts due to the fact that patients do not end up surviving, even with this aggressive intervention.

An incision is made on the left lateral chest, exposing the 4th and 5th ribs. The pectoralis muscles and intercostal muscles are cut and the ribs are retracted, exposing the heart. With the heart exposed, the surgeon is able to quickly suture up any lacerations of the heart or major vessel and manually pump the heart (aka an open cardiac massage).

Source: IG@Medicaltalks


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