Rectal Bleeding: Sign of an Underlying Tumor in this Elderly Woman

Journal of Medical Cases

An 81-year-old woman presented to the Emergency Department with the complain of rectal bleeding. No other significant symptoms were present.

The rectal bleeding was recurrent. It was present for the past month. Furthermore, there were no danger signs. Moreover, she did not give any history of trauma or previous rectal bleeding. The doctor performed a rectal exam. They found a mass on the wall of the rectum.


The doctors performed an endoscopy and biopsy, to confirm the diagnosis. The tissue sample obtained from the biopsy revealed a high-grade Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST). Furthermore, they ordered a CT scan and MRI to assess the location of the tumor.

Journal of Medical Cases

Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST): What are they?

GIST rarely occurs in the rectum. It most commonly affects the stomach and small intestine. Moreover, it is caused due to a genetic mutation. The symptoms vary but most commonly are gastrointestinal bleeding, obstruction, and hemorrhage. There is a high risk of recurrence so close follow-up after initial treatment is advised.


The surgeons performed a complete excision of the tumor. They performed this procedure via the transvaginal route.

Post-operative care

Fortunately, during the post-operative period, the patient suffered no complications. Therefore, the doctors discharged her on the 6th day post-operatively.


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