Dehydration occurs when you do not replace the fluid loss with more fluid. And this could significantly influence the health of your eyes. Eye floaters are commonly occurring specks, shadows, rings, strings, or cobwebs in your vision. They move with the movement of your eye and vanish when you try to focus on them. They are more prominent when you take a glimpse of the sky or sit down to write on a blank white paper. Sometimes when you are reading and keep zoning out while studying, you possibly start noticing the floaters in your vision too.
These are a normal part of the aging process, often commonly experienced by most people which mostly get resolved on their own. However, once they come they rarely go away completely and keep being a nuisance very often.
How can you get rid of the eye floaters?
Some ways that could help avoid eye floaters are limiting your alcohol intake and smoking habits since these could seriously affect your health. Fatigued eyes are dehydrated eyes that could give you a strain and floaters too, so take a good amount of sleep and cut some screen time. No one will ever tell you not to drink enough water. So drink plenty of water to avoid health issues. Stress and anxiety could also give rise to floaters. Hence, practicing ways to reduce stress such as yoga, meditation, spending time in nature, and exercising can help you a long way. Ensuring healthy diet is the key to a healthy life. Processed, fatty and sugary foods are known to cause inflammation in the body and the development of conditions causing inflammation. So leafy greens, fatty fish, and citrus fruit in your diet could keep the inflammation under control and will make sure you are healthy inside.
A number of conditions can give you floaters such as retinal detachment, vitreal retraction, glaucoma, a previous cataract surgery, swelling, diabetes, etc. Therefore, improving your lifestyle can help a huge deal in reducing eye floaters. But if you see a sudden occurrence of so many floaters it could be the time to visit your ophthalmologist and get a dilated eye exam.