Impacted Ear Wax- Try OtoSet!


The cells in the lining of the ear canal
produce wax, which is self-clearing and normally doesn’t need to be cleaned. Occasionally,
it may block the ear canal, warranting manual cleaning.

The wax, also called
cerumen,  protects the ear from
infection, dust, and foreign particles. It protects the ear canal from
irritation due to water. This protective waxy layer in the ear is a blessing
until it causes the blockage!

Excess wax may build-up
secondary to several reasons, including hearing aids, earbuds, cotton buds’
use, excess hair in the canal, or previous surgery. Impaction of earwax can cause
hearing loss, albeit temporarily, and may cause discomfort. It may also contribute
to otitis externa (infection of the outer ear).

OtoSet is an automated
ear cleaning system designed to remove the impacted earwax. Otoset has
successfully received FDA clearance, and SafKan Health, a Tucson-based firm, is
expected to release OtoSet soon.

OtoSet is designed in the
form of a pair headphone which has irrigation and suction system within it.

How does it work?

The user has to wear the
pair of a headphone; the water is sprayed towards the ear canal walls,
preventing a direct spray to the eardrum, thus avoiding a direct impact to the
eardrum. The suction tips on the inside then suck the residue out

The residue is collected into
a built-in, disposable, and changeable container. After the residue is
collected, the container is changed, and so are the spray tips. Each patient
gets a new set of spray tips and containers. The rest of the device is cleaned
up with alcohol wipes. Up to 50 removal procedures can be performed per battery

OtoSet is clinically
proven to be capable of removing mild to severe wax impaction. It takes OtoSet
only 5 minutes to complete the procedure, as opposed to the usual 20 minutes,
this helps is saving time effectively and safely. I can perform both unilateral
and bilateral procedures.

Last but not the least, the
portability of OtoSet adds the cherry on top of the cake. It can be moved from
room-to-room to different patients without wasting time, no strings attached! No
wired, no tubes!

Dr. Sapna Patel, an otolaryngologist at Kaiser said:

“As an otolaryngologist, we deal with some difficult earwax impactions, and realizing the value OtoSet would have in allowing others to clean out earwax in a safe and gentle manner without the need for a microscope is profound,”


Sevy JO, Singh A. Cerumen Impaction. [Updated 2020 Mar 2]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2020 Jan-. Available from:

Browning GG. Ear wax. BMJ Clin Evid. 2008;2008:0504. Published 2008 Jan 25.

National Guideline Centre (UK). Hearing loss in adults: assessment and management. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (UK); 2018 Jun. موقع مراهنات 365 (NICE Guideline, No. 98.) 10, Management of earwax. Available from:

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Dr. Arsia Hanif has been a meritorious Healthcare professional with a proven track record throughout her academic life securing first position in her MCAT examination and then, in 2017, she successfully completed her Bachelors of Medicine and Surgery from Dow University of Health Sciences. She has had the opportunity to apply her theoretical knowledge to the real-life scenarios, as a House Officer (HO) serving at Civil Hospital. Whilst working at the Civil Hospital, she discovered that nothing satisfies her more than helping other humans in need and since then has made a commitment to implement her expertise in the field of medicine to cure the sick and regain the state of health and well-being. Being a Doctor is exactly what you’d think it’s like. She is the colleague at work that everyone wants to know but nobody wants to be. If you want to get something done, you approach her – everyone knows that! She is currently studying with Medical Council of Canada and aspires to be a leading Neurologist someday. Alongside, she has taken up medical writing to exercise her skills of delivering comprehensible version of the otherwise difficult medical literature. Her breaks comprise either of swimming, volunteering services at a Medical Camp or spending time with family.


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