Bed Bugs dwell on blood of humans and animals so these surely are unpleasant; but what about the insecticides for bed bugs? Are insecticides harmful?
In the past few years, there has been a comeback of bed bugs across the US. One study showed that the rate of infestation doubled in San Francisco between 2004 and 2006. Between the years 2003 and 2010, they found 111 cases of illnesses linked with bedbugs.
A report found out that >100 Americans fell ill after exposure to the insecticides. The insecticide was used to eliminate the bed bugs. Exposure to insecticide even caused a death.
Dr. Geoffrey Calvert, a medical officer at the U.S. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, said:
“The majority of cases involved misuse.”
He further added:
“If you can’t control bed bugs with non-chemical means, such as washing and vacuuming, that means it’s probably going to be difficult to eradicate them, and we would recommend that people enlist the services of a pest control operator.”
The report reflected that around 93% of people who fell sick were those who tried to solve a bed bug problem at home. Most of the illnesses involved headache, dizziness, difficulty and pain while breathing, nausea and vomiting. The majority of them resolved spontaneously without any treatment. However, 18% of cases had severe symptoms, therefore required medical attention.
One of the affected individuals succumbed to death. A female patient who had a history of heart attacks, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high sugar levels, and depression died due to pesticide exposure. Her husband used excessive pesticides against bed bugs. Bed bugs remained unaffected by the insecticide, so they used it over the next several days too. Moreover, the woman even sprayed the pesticide, along with an insecticide, on her arms, chest, and hair.
Dr. Calvert specifically advised those who want to self-control the pests to make sure if the pesticide they are using is specific for bed bugs. Additionally, it is imperative to read the label before using and it is equally vital to follow the directions. Besides following the directions, it is important to notify people who would be visiting the treated space regarding the use of pesticides.
However, some cases warrant professional help.
Missy Henriksen, a spokeswoman for the National Pest Management Association, said that these findings drew attention to the necessity of effective licensed, qualified pest control.
“Treatment may incorporate the use of professional-grade products as well as non-chemical measures such as heating or cooling rooms, vacuuming, laundering and disposal of items.”