A mother in UK gave birth to biracial twin girls. To her surprise, they both have entirely different skin colors. One had white skin, other had black skin!
The biracial twins defy all the norms. People think they are friends, but they are, in fact, twin sisters.
In 1997, a Jamaican woman who was married to a white male gave birth to twin girls. When the nurse handed over her daughters to her, she could not believe her eyes.
Lucy had red hair and white skin, her twin sister, Maria had caramel coloured skin and black hair.
Lucy, while putting her mother’s feelings into words, said:
“It was such a shock for her because obviously, things like skin colour don’t show up on scans before birth. So she had no idea that we were so different. When the midwife handed us both to her, she was just speechless.”
Besides the twins, the couple also had 3 other children. Their skin complexions were different from each other. However, their skin colours were between Maria and Lucy. None of them has had a skin colour as opposite as the twins!
Lucy further added:
“Most twins look like two peas in a pod — but Maria and I couldn’t look more different if we tried. We don’t even look like we have the same parents, let alone having been born at the same time.”
Fraternal twins or non-identical twins are formed when two sperms fertilise two different eggs at the same time. This results in each embryo sharing 50 per cent of the same DNA as the other embryo. Therefore, each embryo has a different set of genetic materials.
The genetic makeup of these sisters resulted in each sister taking predominately one parent.
What about the twins’ personalities?
Their personalities are as different as their skin colour.
How common are biracial twins?
Although at the moment, the incidence of biracial twins is quite rare, experts have predicted an increase in the incidence. This would be merely due to an increase in the number of mixed-race couples.
The idea of biracial twins may sound fascinating but it has its own sets of challenges. Biracial twins have reported challenges in their school and social lives. Some struggle with self-identity while others get bullied.
This highlights the importance of raising awareness among the general population to increase acceptance. Awareness will not only increase acceptance but also play a role in removing the mighty difference between the races in general.
It is imperative to acknowledge the challenges of biracial twins. Their struggle with identity and their experiences might not be well-researched and well-advocated topics at the moment, but this doesn’t eliminate the fact that they have challenges which the general population may not even be aware of.
Source: NewYork Post